Shown is One Sacred Moment... with You (Slava Ukraini!)
Galaudet Gallery and our Partner the Milewski Nature Fund have led several poem slip installations using poems like One Sacred Moment...with You or Catch It Going. Sometimes tied to things like tree branches, fences or buildings other times constructed into sculptural forms. each installation is different and works with the poem, the place and the people who assist in making things happen. ​
Under poem slips ringing their words l
like bells,
Under choices I plan to make better with age
Under this waving and dancing and waiting
for love
within one sacred moment shared… with you.
From One Sacred Moment...
with you

Under skies without clouds
to rain understanding
​Under skies without stars
to wish longing
Under skies without wings
to carry me
from the ground,
Under skies that drip blue
beautifully down
From One Sacred Moment...
with you
“Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?”
― Tennessee Williams.

The trees sigh in relief
that the winter is over;
the grass moves in its growing
toward being cut;
the water sparkles as it rushes
toward another, drier spot;
while I catch it while it’s going
watching, hoping for
a moment beyond now From Catch It Going​
Please contact us for more information.