Detail of Glenn's Corn 3: the Inspiration
by Vicki Milewski

Ribbon Map: Wild Missouri River, SD section
by Vicki Milewski

Ribbon Map: Wild Jago River, AK section
by Vicki Milewski

Glenn’s Corn 2 The Fire Within, (detail)
by Vicki Milewski
My Ancestors Are Watching
Artwork List
My Ancestors Are Watching is a large collection so for this installation pieces were selected which tell the story of Learning, Knowing, and then Understanding.
On October 3, 2015 from noon to 4pm Vicki Milewski will particpate in the Beverly Art Walk with an installation of part of her art collection "My Ancestors Are Watching"
Beverly Branch of Chicago Public Library 1962 W. 95th Street
10/3 Artist Vicki Milewski will speak at the exhibit
and be available from noon--4pm
Following is a list of the artworks included in this installation under the category they represent:
Learning: Our whole life is for learning
Ribbon Map: Wild Missouri River, SD This 21st Century Ribbon Map[i] shows a wild section of the Missouri River that runs through Vermillion, South Dakota. Full map is 93” X 1”
Ribbon Map: Wild Jago River, AK This 21st Century Ribbon Map shows a wild section of the Jago River that runs through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Full map is 90” X 1”
Glenn's Corn 3: The Inspiration is an original fiber art piece with embroidery thread, pencil and pastel on canvas highlighting a young corn plant which inspired me to create mixed media pieces about a corn field in central Wisconsin.
16” X 20” oil, pastel, pencil and fiber on canvas in heirloom barn wood frame
Corn at Dawn, 7.15.15 6:24am, Color Photograph on board taken on our farm in central Wisconsin
16” X 20” 11/50 signed
Corn at Dawn, 7.15.15 6:22am Color Photograph on board smaller version meant to be displayed with larger version behind it as it is displayed here 8” X 10” 9/50 signed
To Know something is to make it a part of yourself
Glenn’s Corn 1 Seeing the Other Side, Oil painting on canvas showing young corn plants which inspired me to create many artworks about a corn field in central Wisconsin.
Glenn’s Corn 2 The Fire Within, Oil painting on canvas showing young corn plants which inspired me to create many artworks about a corn field in central Wisconsin.
Badlands Road Archival Box 11” X 14” X 3” box with glass window and mixed media inside
Corn Necklace, Original fiber art piece with beads
Soybean Necklace Original fiber art work with beads
To understand is a going beyond knowing,
understanding there is more to know
Simple Pleasures 1 Oil Painting with mixed media on canvas showing me painting through the day.
Simple Pleasures 2 Oil Painting with mixed media on canvas showing me painting through the night.
Sunset Symphony, Color Photograph on board taken on our farm in central Wisconsin 16” X 20” 6/20 signed
Sunset Symphony, Color Photograph on board smaller version meant to be displayed with larger version behind it as it is displayed here 8” X 10” 6/20 signed
Milewski Lake Reflection, Color Photograph on board taken on our farm in central Wisconsin
16” X 20” 8/10 signed
Milewski Lake Reflection, Color Photograph on board smaller version meant to be displayed with larger version behind it as it is displayed here 8” X 10” 6/20 signed
My Father’s Barn Archival Box 11” X 14” X 3” box with glass window and mixed media inside